Equibalans Electrolytebalans



Adequate fluid intake is essential for the horse’s health. It is especially important for performance and recovery. Equibalans Electrolytebalans is a tasty electrolyte powder for maintaining the horse’s fluid balance. The solution prepared from electrolyte powder compensates for the loss of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and chloride) during sweating and ensures the horse’s fluid balance is restored. 

A horse can sweat up to 10-15 liters per hour. The level of sweating is influenced by the exertion’s intensity, the duration of the activity, the surrounding temperature, and the horse’s coat. Rehydration and recovery are fastest when the electrolyte solution matches the horse’s sweat loss. Electrolytes should also be used during the training period, where the horse is under more even physical exertion, not only in high-performance competitive situations. The horses of riding schools, whose light exercise can last longer and take place in a warm hall, will also benefit from electrolyte powder. 

Electrolyte powder can be used before exertion or between exercises. Other uses include maintaining fluid balance during transport, replacing electrolytes in hot conditions, and maintaining fluid balance during illness. Equibalans Electrolytebalans is also suitable for horses that are naturally inferior to drinking. 


To support the horse’s fluid balance and to strengthen normal fluid balance, especially during exertion and sweating.   

The electrolyte preparation can be used before exertion, between activities, during transportation and in hot conditions. Correct dosing of the electrolyte solution is important for the horse’s rapid recovery and hydration. The composition of the preparation is based on the composition of horse sweat. 

For a competitive horse, electrolyte powder is recommended for use both during the training season and in competitions. Store in a dry and room temperature, closed jar.   


1 measuring spoon corresponds to approx. 12 g of powder 

Low or moderate exertion: 

4 measuring spoons (48 g) per 10 liters of water 

Heavy exertion and/or excessive sweating: 

8 measuring spoons (96 g) per 10 liters of water 

Normal drinking water must always be available. 


Ingredients: Sodium chloride, potassium chloride, calcium citrate, dextrose, magnesium citrate, sensory additive (mixture of flavourings). 


1 kg 48 g 96 g  

Sodium 210 g 10.1 g 20.2 g
Potassium 124 g 6.0 g 11.9 g
Calcium 22 g 1.1 g 2.1 g
Magnesium 5.5 g 0.3 g 0.5 g
Chloride 437 g 21.0 g 41.9 g 



Made in Finland. 

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